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very good

Simple to learn, hard to master. I played the CPC version and it rocks. I was looking for a nice puzzler, so I got it :)

Thanks a lot!


You're welcome. Enjoy it!

(1 edit)

I'm currently stuck at level 8. I do find the solution for it... I tried at least 10 times, but I hope - and will ! - find the way to level 9 :)

Edit: made a small video using the ZX Spectrum port. Enjoy :)

Thanks for the video. Regarding the challenges, if you get stuck on one, it might be a good idea to take a break and come back to it later. Sometimes, after a short break, the solution becomes clearer.

Nice game!

Thanks for the video!

I love your game! If you ever make a 128k version and want music I could provide some, just get in touch.

(1 edit)

Thank you very much LeeBee, I hope you enjoy it. I am not planning to make a 128k version at the moment, because, although I think that music is a very important part of video games, and I always pay the most attention to it, composing or adapting it myself in most cases, this game asked for silence, and I like to only hear the sound of the pieces as if it were a chess tournament. On the other hand, everyone can choose their favorite music to listen to while solving the challenges. 

However, I appreciate your offer and I will keep it in mind if I finally make an extended version in 128k. Greetings!


OK thanks! :-)


You're welcome, I hope you enjoy it!